
Day 122 {Noël}

Joyeux Noël 🎄🌴 !!!

C’est bien étrange de se trouver à Noël l’été! Je dois dire que je n’aime pas trop! L’esprit des fêtes ne me vient pas et dès que la fête est fini, j’ai déjà oublié! En fait, j’oubliais quand j’arrêtais d’y penser, tout ça est bien curieux… Et oui, je m’ennuie de la neige mais je suis bien heureuse de me trouver au chaud en même temps… Et un sapin de Noël à côté d’un palmier c’est bizarre! Je travail maintenant des les boysenberries(croisement entre une mûre et une framboise) et quand je suis sur la chaîne d’emballage, j’ai les mains complètement gelée, avec 3 chandails, une tuque, des gants,… Et puis, je sors dehors et c’est l’été, il fait 24. Je suis encore plus mêlée!

Mes amis et moi sommes allés à Whirinaki forest park, après notre dîner de Noël, pour une dernière soirée de camping avant de se dire aurevoir.

Je reste à Whakatāne jusqu’au 10 janvier environ puis, je poursuis mon voyage! J’ai bien hâte!

Quelques photos des semaines précédentes et de Noël.



Day 98 [night 97]

Beautiful day for a long drive around the peninsula on route 35 to Gisborne. Another interesting adventure, amazing views. I will definitely go back to see more of Gisborne…maybe for New Year as it is the first city in the world to cross over. This church by the sea was so peaceful, it was nice to stop for a moment and breathe.



Day 74

There is a nice track in Whakatāne, from the center of town to Ohope beach. It takes about 2h up and down hill over kohi point. Luckily, we got there at low tide otherwise we would not of been able to pass. Beautiful day with my friend Annie.

I will be staying in Whakatāne for a few weeks. I like the vibe of this city and there is a rose vine/tree right outside my window, I do my yoga under it every morning! The people here are nice and happy. I will start working monday in a kiwifruit farm doing some pruning and in 2 weeks maybe I’ll be picking boysenberries. Pretty nice!



Day 71

Yesterday was THE day! The White Island day.

I’ve been staying at Karibu backpackers for 2 days now, what a lovely place! Keith and Uma are very nice people and the old house is very homy.

I got up at 7:30, got ready, packed my lunch and Keith kindly drove me, on his way to work, to the White Island rendezvous. The trip and tour is about 6h. It takes 1h30 to get to the island by boat. The tour is absolutely incredible, I felt like I was on another planet on that volcano. The fumes, the roaring like a jet engine and the colors, WOW!

I walked on an active volcano island in the Pacific Ocean on the east coast of Whakatāne, New Zealand. Oh, and I tasted some sulfur crystals too!(Tastes like fizzy lemon on steroids.)